It is very hard to define Wabi Sabi. It is a poetry of nuances and subtleties
that defy mere words. It is not a decorating "style" as such, but rather a mind-set.
It is the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection and profundity in nature.
In understanding Wabi Sabi, one comes to embrace and celebrate the cracks and crevices
and the marks that time, weather, and loving use leave behind.
Think of your favourite pair of jeans… they are faded with time and worn around the edges
but you would never dream of parting with them, after all they fit you perfectly. It is the
pieces of your own history: old photos mellow with sepia tones or the bound covers of
a favorite book worn by loving touch.
Wabi Sabi is modest and underplayed. It is the kind of quiet, undeclared beauty that
waits patiently to be discovered. Just as now, after all this time, you have discovered.